Ready to eat: Lobster With Grilled Veggies

I adore summer. From the clothes–or rather lack thereof–not that I am a midriff baring grandma but nothing feels better than tossing a frock over my head, fluffing my hair and flip flopping my way out the door in the morning. At home everything is airier in the summer; my bedding is stripped down to the basics: white cotton sheets and a lightweight quilt, the shades are always at half mast, the rugs are stashed away so the floors are bare and the house stays cool.

Who cares if it’s too hot to go outside? This is why we have gardens to look upon. Even better when your rooms have a view like mine suddenly has this summer–now that new owners knocked down the century home that was there. I’ll miss the old girl, a more than one hundred year old structure that was originally the boarding house for the actors employed by a local summer theater up river (another blog in itself).
But I am really happy we are finally post-Covidly being invited over to join other neighbors, once again, to wine and dine. Especially for an al fresco spread comme ca.

Even if you don’t have neighbors to host you, the good thing about summer is there are numerous en plein air waterfront dining options in our two river communities. One of my longtime favorites (they are way older than I am) is Bahrs in Highlands. The food is delish, the atmosphere authentic and the salt air restorative.

And less we forget the reason we live at the Jersey shore is, well the shore, keep in mind the best way to get there is by boat. If you don’t have one, now is the time to find a friend who does!

I grew up on the Shrewsbury but for cruising you cannot beat the Navesink River. Nowhere else in New Jersey (or anywhere) can you see a governor’s mansion, several historic boat clubs, numerous stately homes–and still be back in time for dinner!

Seriously who needs to go to Bar Harbor with houses like this right in our neck of the, well not woods exactly, but river maybe?

Finally, eventually, there will come a time in summer when it is your turn to host; but don’t panic. If you follow my lead you will never have to actually cook, (it’s too darn hot anyway). First hop over to Sickles and pick up a tray of their already grilled vegetables.

Add some sliced tomatoes with their homemade mozzarella, then order a slew of fresh from the Maine seas lobsters from The Lusty Lobster (they’ll even steam them for you) and dinner is ready to be served!
